Why a low-carb diet can be really bad for some food addicts

In this blog I’ll be publishing excerpts from my dissertation on food addiction and research that supports using a whole-food plant-based diet to conquer food addiction for good. It appears not everyone is equally vulnerable to the effects of tryptophan depletion and lowered serotonin in the brain. A study with 55 participants assigned to drinkContinue reading “Why a low-carb diet can be really bad for some food addicts”

Mood effects of a high-fat diet

In this blog I’ll be publishing excerpts from my dissertation on food addiction and research that supports using a whole-food plant-based diet to conquer food addiction for good. Some food addiction experts are now recommending high-fat diets, such as the ketogenic diet,1 and in extreme cases, even the carnivore diet.2 A ketogenic diet is, byContinue reading “Mood effects of a high-fat diet”

Commonly used abstinent food plans and controversies

In this blog I’ll be publishing excerpts from my dissertation on food addiction and research that supports using a whole-food plant-based diet to conquer food addiction for good. Food abstinence was first advocated by Overeaters Anonymous (OA) in the 1960s.1 OA’s definition of food abstinence was abstinence from processed carbohydrates.2 Similar 12-step organizations, such asContinue reading “Commonly used abstinent food plans and controversies”

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